Thursday, June 11, 2009

Most families have a 'black sheep.'

Daily Devotion

You say, 'I raised all my children the same way, how come this one is a problem?'

Source: The Word For Today

Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.
Proverbs 24:3 NKJV

(1) Congratulations on succeeding with your other children! You're ahead of the curve. A good family rule is: Pray about your shortcomings; focus on your successes. Don't obsess over one particular child, short-changing the others of your time and attention. Though it doesn't feel natural, reduce your intense concentration on your problem child. Stop 'fixing' them, enjoy all your children, and watch things improve. (2) Children develop at different rates and in different ways. Many problem children are just late arrivers; give them the time they need.

(3) Most families have a 'black sheep.' They make us uncomfortable by not doing life like the rest of us. Accept what you don't like about them until God either changes them or teaches the family mature, unconditional, non-controlling love through them. (4) You do your best as an imperfect but loving parent, then your children, not you, make their own choices. The prophet Samuel's sons "did not walk in his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice" (1 Sam 8:3 NIV). Embarrassing and disappointing, yes! But no charge of spiritual or parental failure is laid on Samuel's doorstep. As godly a man as ever lived, he 'walked the talk.' But when push came to shove, his sons had their options and chose not to do likewise.

However dysfunctional your child may be, under God their greatest asset is a parent who responds by faith, not by fixing, by praying, not prying, and who gets out of God's way and lets Him work.

SoulFood reading: 2 Kings 1:1 - 4:17, Mark 15:33-47, Ps 80:1-11, Pr 13:11-12

This Daily Encouragement comes from The Word for Today devotional available free from UCB Australia. For more information, please visit The Word For Today website at

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