Sunday, June 14, 2009


Your Daily Spiritual Stimulus

Hold On to Your Dreams

Friday June 12, 2009

Sometimes, when we are experiencing financial difficulties we can begin to feel that our own gifts, which have little to do with money, have also become devalued. At times like this it is not uncommon to see people abandon their gifts or life's passion as being too "frivolous" or unimportant.

In a world that revolves around money and commerce, it is all too easy to become seduced by the notion that the only contributions we make to the world that matter are economic ones. But it's not true.

No doubt, we all need to earn enough money to support our families and take care of our financial needs and responsibilities. And, it may also be true that many of the things we love to do can be challenging to make a living at but...that should not keep us from doing them.

If we abandon our gifts and our dreams there can be unexpected side effects. Clients who come to me after years of not expressing their gifts often feel depressed, less vital, or without a sense of purpose in their lives. These feelings cannot be suppressed indefinitely and sometimes they can create real life consequences that can effect our health or relationships.

So, regardless of your financial circumstances, I strongly encourage you to continue to express your gifts purposefully and passionately, even if you never make money doing so. Your unique gifts and talents are how you express the Divine Spirit within you. These are God's gifts to us that we are given unconditionally and asked to express unconditionally.

No matter what financial hardships you may be undergoing, it is very important that you acknowledge that you and your gifts are valuable. When you value and express your gifts freely and without attachment to a monetary outcome, you will feel better about yourself and feel more energized and enlivened. Then, with this renewed energy, you can move forward to focus on revitalizing your career and improving your financial circumstances and perhaps, along the way, someone may hire you to do what you love. If not, it's still a blessing to have a job that supports you and your family while you continue to express your gifts, whenever and however you can.

Hold on to your dreams!

The greatest tragedy in life is not death;
the greatest tragedy takes place
when our talents and capabilities are underutilized
and allowed to rust while we are living.

~ Amma

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