Sunday, May 31, 2009

EBED - MELECH's call can be your call

Jeremiah was the only Prophet in Jerusalem that prophesied its destruction in
contrary to the message of peace and safety by the false prophets. Truth angered
them and plotted to kill Jeremiah in their hope to silence God's Word in their conscience.

The false prophets in connivanced withthe King's officials seized Jeremiah and lowered him by ropes into an empty cistern. There was no water in the cistern except thick layer of mud and Jeremiah sank down into it. Jeremiah in chest deep of mud perhaps a few days or hours to live is weakened by the bad smell and suffocation. Whatever strength left in him, he groaned and loudly cried for help but none was willing because they were so afraid of the wicked religious leaders.

Like many of us, when we cried for help because of our troubles yet no one seems to
hear us but God does. In our daily walks, God always re- arranged events that there is always a good samaritan found along the road we travel .

In the case of Jeremiah, God raised Ebed-Melech, an Ethiopian, a slave, an eunuch assigned in the King's house heared Jeremiah,s cried for help when all others played deaf ear.

Ebed-Melech took the risked to his life when he went to King Zedekiah to report Jeremiah's plight. He did not allowed his own past hurt, pain and troubled experienced to hardened is heart. Instead, those disappointment and inbjusticehe went through keep his eyes open to the cry of Jeremiah.

Today, we can still find Ebed-Melech of this season, one who still put their trust in God. They are the one who keep their hearts tender and soft despite of what they have
been to. God finds delight to used vessels like Ebed-Melech. They are the rejects in the community, the unknown, nameless , the old cast-off garments. God is still in His business, He used the unwise, the weak , the unusable. For Him these are His unusual treasure.

Whenever someone respond to His call and act in faith to His Word, God re-arranged situations, events and re-aligned the King's activities, plans and thoughts. God caused
the King to act on Ebed-Melech's report. The King assigned 30 men to help Ebed-Melech. 0n their way to the basement room to find what they can use to bring out Jeremiah, Ebed-Melech have to passed the King's treasure room. Ebed-Melech could have been tempted to steal some precious gold coins but he did not for he have only one focus and motive to rescue Jeremiah.

When they reached the storage room, they found old garments, rotten rags and cords
as their best means of tool to deliver Jeremiah to freedom.

What does it try to show to us today ? 0ld garments, rotten rags and cords are God's
means to deliver Jeremiah. This is God's tool to deliver His perishing people today. Millions of poor people who wore rags on their body cried for food. While we are reminded of the soldiers who placed their bets on Jesus torn garments at the foot of the Cross.

Can you remember the Ebed-Melech in your life ? Have you responded in obedience to God's call to you to play the role of Ebed-Melech today to someone who is chest deep in mud of their troubles and need

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