Tuesday, February 2, 2010

28 Day Devotion: Day 1: "See Past Poverty!!": 2/1/10


What is God's Destiny to the Philippines ?

Do you believed that Philippines has God's destiny ? Like Israel our country is called by God for a purpose, to do His will and magnify His Name. But both nations refused and remained in the wilderness and suffered no rest and peace . What is God's calling for this nation? Lets traced our history. Early natives dwell in this land. The Malay Datus, the early muslims arrived but they have no agenda to colonized . They find the natives friendly and peaceful. They noticed that the natives have their owned government it is called Barangay. They have their defensed army and their canons is called Lantakas. They found them to have foreign trading with the chinese .Prominently , Sri Vishaya established his empire and further strenghtened bartering. The place is now known as Visayan Region. Chinese and muslim traders had plenty of admiratons to them because they possessed fine values and rich cultures.They were knowned to be trustworthy in business.The success of Marco Polo and the discovery of the spices spread like wild fire all over Europe. This challenged Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese to launched his expedition and seek funding from King Carlos1 of Spain.Because of the prevailing political situation at that time the King is reluctant. In his diary he claimed that God impressed upon him the calling of this nation. In honor of his son King Philip , this nation will be called Philippines and without him knowing it was also a prophetic declaration of this nation as a nation of evangelists. King Philip's name was taken from the bible character knowned as Saint Philip, together with his daughters they went to places to evangelized . However, according to the Spanish law, only those children born from marriage of spaniard and native shall be called Filipinos. While those born from parents who are both natives shall remained to be called as indios.

When revolutions is about to erupt, Spain offered this country for sale to America. The 25th President William Mckinley refused considering the US - Cuba War is not doing good to his administration besides election is approaching. In his recorded diary , he wrote that while seeking Divine direction as what to do with Philippines, he claimed that God had revealed His plan for this nation. By virtue of the Treaty of Paris America bought Philippines .

For the first time, many schools were opened. The first Thomasites arrived, mostly US enlistedmen became teachers. Missionaries arrived, christian churches were opened and bibles were distri buted. The filipinos began their education.They also embraced american culture, slowly we see the death of our own fine values and culture. 0ur Philippines Legislatures are now influenced by foreign minds and declared the filipino muslim tradition of business called barter trade as contrabands and declared them as smugglers. When Malay . Chinese. Spaniards , Dutch , Americans , Japanese, came to this land, they left behind a part of their cultures.Consider the increasing marriages to foreigners , we are seeing the emergence of new filipino faces. Where are we heading ?
We seems to have lost our root of origin.Who introduced bribery, corrruptions, treachery and divisiveness ? Where did we get our ningas cogon and maniana habit ?

Philippines is in the wilderness, the problems is endless, more are getting poorer , hungry and jobless. The exodus of our coun trymen trying find good living abroad are increasing. It is like Abraham because of famine in Canaan they left the land of Promise and went down to Egypt.

Election is almost here and we can now hear the accelerating momentum of the drum beats call for 2010 election. Can we just allow other people to rape the sacredness of our ballots? Will we just resigned the fate of this country and abandoned the future of our childrens children
into the deep pit of complacency , low morality and unrighteousness?

What about you ? Have you heard the trumpet calls for righteousness in the land? As for me I have heard. I want to be a part of the remaining few who will be found in the frontlines as they respond to the call. Remember, the family is the foundation of a nation. We must start in the family. We can do it now. A righteous Philippines is not just a dream. Successful persons started from their dream. Lets act on our dream.. translate it into action. Trust and believed in God , in His plans for this country will be real , righteous Philippines. Those that are stationed in many parts of the world , you have reasons why you are in that country, if only you will recognized and believed that it was God who placed you there, remember all filipinos are called as evangelist ... just simply tell them about Jesus your Lord and Saviour , how HE was good to you , how HE provided your needs, how HE protected you and your loved ones. Then, we have responded our share to God Destiny for the Philippines and we shall see this nation to be at rest and have peace. Mabuhay